are intricate to the adage, "when life hands you lemons, make
lemonade." It seems smart to think positively when things don't turn
out as expected. But we can be free of the work of making lemonade out of something that can sour the smile when we give up having expectations.
"With no expectations" is the caveat found in the middle of The Circle of fire Prayer written by don Miguel Ruiz. Simply put it is the key to living the Four Agreements: be impeccable with your word, don't make assumptions, don't take anything personally, and always do your best. Expectations are sure fire guarantees we will be disappointed. Expectations involve people and things outside the sphere of our influence, expecting them to behave, deliver, and make us feel as we think they should.
Though the domesticated world might insist otherwise, expectations are not the key to accomplishment and happiness. Goals will not get you anything you truly need, but on that same note, goals and expectations are not the same thing, so go ahead and set goals, just don't limit your joy to the expectation things will turn out in a particular way.
When we let go of expectations we can live in peace, lemonade free, without need to imagine the supposed blessings in adversity. Without expectations there is no adversity. Everything, even the unexpected just is, and with that attitude we can have the gifts don Miguel describes when we choose to live and move and have our being in the Consciousness of the Universal Operating System:
"We will live our lives with Gratitude, Love, Loyalty and Justice,
Beginning with Ourselves,
And continuing with our Brothers and Sisters."
Being peaceful, hope you are too!
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