I Am NOT Learning That

In 2004 I sent a daily email to a list of friends which lead to this website. In 2014 I averaged two Enlightenmeant blogs per month. In 2019 I wrote 8 but only posted 3. From 2020 to 2023 I wrote 5 and posted none... until this morning when I woke up thinking about someone I dearly love and came to write a post. When I found those five drafts and read them, I was calmed by the lesson I have learned so many times. How is it possible to learn a lesson many times? Is a lesson learned at all if we have to learn it again? Absolutely, because life is not absolute. It is a constantly changing cacophony of one lesson, a living mess of unexpected opportunities to practice what we know and hone it like a sculpture of twisted wire, carved wood, clay drawn through our hands on the wheel of life -- you get the picture.
Sometimes I forget the picture, at least the whole picture. Like the lens on a digital camera, I focus through a particular part of the sensor and get my unique rendition of what's going on, from which I have opportunity to see what I'm missing. I guess that's the thing I came to write about today, what is missing in the world that I see. I used to be much quicker to land on the sensor in a place that afforded me an holistic view, ever reminding myself that how things appear is how I choose to see them. Since the beginning of the Pandemic, the "unprecedented" nature of events in our world, has become the norm in the way things play out. A few years ago I stopped writing. I think it was because I was always writing about the same thing: NOT Knowing. That may sound the same as Unprecedented, and it has a foot in that as nothing is ever the same, But NOT Knowing is, in my world, That which we are here to learn over and over again: That there is a sensor and it sees itself (yes, takes a selfie) through itself. It's not that we can't or don't know. But that We are the sensor -- NOT -- Knowing (seeing). In my imagination, NOT -- No Other Thing, is the basis, the stratum of our existence seeking to know itself through each and every one of us. And so when we see All That Is as NOT seperate from itself, and we understand there is NODifference, and NOHunger, and NOWar we can cease to see ourselves as seperate and unyielding of the litle bit we have, choosing instead to see a world where we are NOT alone, and undivided. All of these Unprecedented times are about learning this one lesson over and over again. We can stand up, stand together, stand for, but in these unprecedented times, I choose NOT to stand against focusing on the divisive. Yes, it is also NOT, but I choose to invest my viewpoint on being Lucid, to refrain from giving in to limited thoughts, choosing to believe in the power of NOT, and manifest this reality with love and dignity. NOThing Changes, as us. Pic;) . . . Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

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